
The following are commonly used links and references critical to achieving our goals and objectives at the AHMA-PSW.

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Congressional Directories
How to get in touch with congressional leaders in your state, and how your elected officials are currently voting.

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
Links to Government agencies relevant to housing programs, rent, and regulations that affect availability.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The website of the National Affordable Housing Management Association.

National Affordable Housing Professional® Certification (NAHP®)

NAHP is the only professional certification program with stringent requirements dedicated solely to recognizing and promoting achievement of the highest possible standards in affordable housing management.  For more details click here.

Developed by the National Affordable Housing Management Association, the program is available to industry professionals at the following levels:

Professional Level:

The successful applicant must have a minimum of two years of affordable housing management experience, and must also meet an education component. Criteria requirements are specifically structured to provide the NAHP with the skills and expertise required to function in the affordable housing industry with a high degree of competence and professionalism. See below for application link.

NAHP Professional Application (PDF)

Executive Level:

This select level of certification was designed to recognize affordable housing management executives. To qualify, you must have at least five years of affordable housing experience with a minimum of three (of the five) years as an active owner, CEO, managing agent, asset manager, district/regional manager or equivalent. See below for application link.

NAHP Executive Application (PDF)