Legislative Updates

AHMA-PSW’s Affordable Housing News 08/24/2020


  • Help is on its way for tenants struggling to pay rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES Act has received new funds to create a COVID-19 Rental Relief program. From August 17th to August 31st, LACDA will be accepting applications from residents throughout the County of Los Angeles. Click here for more details.


  • HUD hosted its first virtual workshops for NSPIRE, bringing together several dozen representatives from non-profits, academia, and industry who were invited to weigh in on the developing standards and protocols. The purpose of the
    workshops was to engage with a diverse group of stakeholders to gather their feedback on many aspects of NSPIRE, including standards development, health and safety issues, the NSPIRE Demonstration, and resident well being. The NSPIRE workshop series facilitates interactive engagement and brainstorming opportunities in a live and remote format where a diversity of NSPIRE stakeholders can provide feedback to HUD on the development of NSPIRE. HUD is scheduling workshops over the next 12 months that will cover a number of topics for a variety of audiences, with some workshops reserved specifically for NSPIRE Demonstration participants. For those unable to attend a virtual workshop, REAC will make webinars and webcasts on related topics available on its website.
  • As of August 1st, over 3,900 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and Property Owners and Agents (POAs) have been approved for the NSPIRE Demonstration. While these numbers are a great milestone in the Demonstration, we are still seeking additional properties to participate in the Demonstration to help HUD shape the NSPIRE standards. PHAs and POAs are encouraged to register one or more properties for acceptance into the Demonstration, but there is no requirement to submit all properties within a portfolio. Submission of an application does not constitute acceptance into the program nor does it obligate the PHA or POA in any way. Once accepted into the Demonstration, participants may voluntarily withdraw any or all properties at any time. Click here to view the latest lists of volunteer properties participating in the NSPIRE Demonstration and click here to read about the benefits of participating in the Demonstration.
  • Have you been wondering what the NSPIRE standards are? Check out the NSPIRE Standards webcast being released August 26th, and hear what the NSPIRE standards are all about. This presentation covers the NSPIRE standards development, NSPIRE inspection types, CTQ deficiencies, and much more. Future webcasts, webinars, and online workshops will cover topics such as the NSPIRE Demonstration and guidance for contract inspectors. Please join the mailing list to stay on top of these events!
  • August 25, 2020: NSPIRE Standards Workshop This workshop enables information exchange between public housing agencies and property owners/agents and HUD on NSPIRE standards in development. Demonstration participants receive priority seating.
  • August 26, 2020: NSPIRE Standards Webcast This presentation provides an overview of NSPIRE standards, CTQ deficiencies, CTQ+, stakeholder participation, and future expectations in the development of NSPIRE.
  • August 27, 2020: NSPIRE Overview for PHAs and POAs Webcast This webcast provides a brief introduction to NSPIRE, the NSPIRE Demonstration, and how stakeholders can partner with HUD on the development of NSPIRE.
  • August 27, 2020: NSPIRE Business Process Design and Program Implementation for Program and Field Offices Webcast This webcast presents an overview of the NSPIRE business process design and program implementation for HUD PO and FO personnel.
  • September 1, 2020: Resident Input into the Inspection Process Workshop This workshop enables residents and resident groups to provide their feedback on NSPIRE.