
Upcoming Fair Housing Training in Las Vegas

Details Price Qty
Member Rateshow details + $90.00 USD  
Non-Member Rateshow details + $130.00 USD  

  • April 16, 2025 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Fair Housing obligations impact every aspect of multi-family housing operations. It is critical that all team members understand their roles and responsibilities. In this training, industry experts will discuss real world application of federal and state fair housing laws governing your operations and the pivotal role team members play in fair housing compliance. Topics to be covered include protected classifications, types of discrimination, frequent sources of claims, addressing lease violations without creating fair housing liability, LEP obligations, HUD’s expanded role in enforcing VAWA compliance, understanding the interactive process, and evaluating common accommodation requests including assistance animals, medical marijuana, and parking-related requests. Come with your questions!

About the Presenters:
Karen McCay has been representing owners and operators in the affordable and market-rate multi-family housing industries for almost thirty years providing legal advice on fair housing, regulatory compliance, and operational issues. Much of Ms. McCay’s law practice is dedicated to preventative advice and compliance counseling for non-profit and for-profit businesses, although she remains strategically involved in her clients’ litigation as well. In addition, she conducts trainings in fair housing, preventing sexual harassment, disability accommodation and similar subjects for clients and industry organizations.  She is the Office Managing Partner of the California offices of Spencer Fane, LLP, a full-service law firm with over 600 attorneys in 29 offices across the country, including Las Vegas.

About the Presenters:
Vincent Aiello is a lawyer and business owner with firsthand experience handling complex commercial litigation and transactional matters for his clients. His client base spans a broad spectrum of industries including multi-family housing. While each of his clients may take on a unique shape or size, they all face complex legal and business challenges, which is precisely where he has focused his commercial legal practice. Mr. Aiello is Of Counsel in Spencer Fane’s Las Vegas office and is licensed to practice law in Nevada, Texas and Maryland.


8310 S Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada, 89123, United States